
2022 is here with 1 month down (Already!). We get it – it’s hot, work is back into full swing, your new years resolution might be starting to slip and there is little time left for yourself to exercise.  But we all are striving for that body to relax and feel confident in.

This only leaves one option which is to start eating healthier.  A lot of information on the internet such as recipes and health guides use calories which gets confusing when us Aussies use kilojoules.  With Dark Ice’s Pocket Cal kJ App it is extremely easy.  With other handy features such as ideal weight for a healthy BMI, equivalent exercise times and comparable foods for amount of calories/kj entered.

Now we know none of these features aren’t exactly technically revolutionary (unlike some of Dark Ice’s upcoming projects 🤫).  So why are we bringing it up? Pocket Cal kJ has officially been on the stores for 10 years and is still going strong!  We’re even going to take an honest dive into our analytics to show you.


Our reviews on both iOS and Android show a solid 4.6 star average with close to 1500 reviews.  This is something that we are extremely proud of as a team.  Holding score with that much user feedback is a true achievement as fellow developers would know.

Screen Impressions

Appcenter is a powerful tool that we use to gain analytics for Pocket Cal kJ.  The below images show events for the last 90 days of Australian users.  It can be seen that our main calculator screen has gotten over 130k impressions from 10.5k unique users on iOS and over 31.6k impressions from 2.4k users on Android.


Over the lifespan of Pocket Cal kJ, there have been an impressive amount of downloads, with 130k downloads on iOS and 81k on Android.  This number is still rising everyday with new unique first time downloads.  Apple gives you helpful statistics out of the box when you submit an app to their store. Shown below is a graph from the last 5 years on iOS only.  The total unique downloads over the last 5 years show a trend with every new year, there is an increased amount of users – which brings me to the next point….

Advertising Opportunity

Here are some screenshots of the app with some base UI and we are interested in engaging in the opportunity to advertise with non-intrusive banners, backgrounds and branding with your business.  We believe this would be a fantastic prospect for both sides due to the number of active users of the target audience (losing weight / staying healthy – Australia).

In our next update we are thinking of adding scheduled notifications with hints, tips and tricks or even just some motivating words.  Motifications we can call them.  Perhaps your brand could think of some too.  If you have any questions or enquiries please get in touch with us here

That’s all from us in this Dark Ice update!  Extremely happy about the success of Pocket Cal kJ and will be updating and upgrading in the future – here’s to another decade on the app store 🎉